H A R V A R D ' S A S I A N A R T & L I T E R A R Y M A G A Z I N E
We make a creative space for Asian anglophone (English-speaking) voices to be published at Harvard College. Read more about our story below.
You’re Invited to Our Open Mic!
Join us on February 3rd, 2023 for our open mic in collaboration with the Creative Writing Collective! Come out for some great performances, food, as well as to celebrate the release of Legends (we will have copies of the issue available)!
Interested in performing? Sign up here! We welcome all to perform, and no experience is necessary ♡ https://forms.gle/sGSnt34yR53r3zH78
Our most recent issue:
Legends is our Fall 2022 publication. It was a way for us to reflect on the stories that molded us and continue to do so.