“ZINERAPTURE” by Sinrapee (Kat) Pongtornpipat

“ZINERAPTURE” by Sinrapee (Kat) Pongtornpipat


"ZINERAPTURE a self-published zine written, illustrated and designed with a DIY spirit in a WFH era. As the world seemed to come to a halt due to the pandemic, I found that it was a chance for self-reflection and I wanted to develop these bits and pieces of words and ideas I had accumulated from the past year into a collected piece of work. Using comics, collages and illustrations, ZINERAPTURE is a personal zine that reflects existential angst in uncertain times while maintaining a sense of humor (and acceptance) about it all." 

California College of the Arts ‘18 | Instagram: @sinrapture

Welcome to the War

We're fighting a war,

as if the enemy is new.

Avoid unnecessary contact,

as if we had a choice.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime rally

we've been fighting day in, day out.

Welcome - we've been lonely, we've been waiting.

Fear and relief strike in equal measure.

We're not alone now

for a moment it seems, before

the young replace the old,

the fit engaged in a wholesale raid.

The war will never be won; the young and fit

will soon forget their spoils, their bounty.

Soon you will wave goodbye, good luck, good riddance,

as we press on alone.

Welcome. We were here before, we will be here

long after.


“I moved to the UK from Malaysia several years ago and also have a severe disability. This poem is meant to represent how a disabled person may feel during this pandemic, especially when some like me have always lived with a fear of viruses due to how we are at higher risk, and how others may even have been self-isolating for years. The world is now catching up with how we feel and whilst we all seem relatively united about not spreading viruses, etc, and I am hopeful that, for example, one result of the pandemic is that people will actually not go into the office sick, I feel that people are going to go back to their daily lives once this is over and forget this feeling. This poem serves as a reminder that this is what many disabled people have been experiencing all their lives." "

University of Cambridge | instagram: @gracehuiauthor | facebook: @gracehuiauthor | twitter: @gracehuiauthor

Life As We Know It



“I think one of my biggest fears about the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the Asian American community specifically is the idea that the fear and prejudices of this time will cause people to ignore the incredible blending of cultures and beliefs that the Asian American identity represents. I hope that this series of photos will help to remind Asians and non-Asians alike of the beauty, diversity, and deep cultural roots represented by the Asian American community even in such times of crisis.”

Harvard ‘23 | instagram: @payton.fkim


The Sin

My boyfriend’s friend Paul supposedly does a lot of math, but I’ve only seen him do weed. Maybe this is because I don’t go to the math lounge anymore, so I only see Paul at the parties he hosts. They’re grand things, these parties. Last time, he opened up a bottle of absinthe for me, and we watched the liquid turn opaque as he added water. I took a sip, everyone watching me grimace, before my boyfriend Jason took the drink away. I told myself I didn’t mind. I liked drinks with more pretenses, the sweet syrupy types, so cloying as to make the alcohol almost disappear. Afterwards, I watched the clusters of conversations around me from the corner of Paul’s living room. The others were talking about math or grants. Jason smiled at one of the grad students I recognized but never talked to, while I leaned against the wall in the dark, pretending to be wallpaper. 

This is all to say that sometimes when I’m with Jason and his friends, I fall silent and paste on a soft smile and drink another glass of port. They all seem to talk about math like their lives depends on it, and I guess it does because they’re grad students. Jason tells me he and I are both lucky to be attending these parties, and I think I know what he means. He’s lucky to have grad student friends. I’m lucky they even recognize me as his girlfriend in the first place. 

They have better things to do than talk to random people, that’s what one of them said. They’re not English majors who snort chalk all day.  

Paul is having a party tonight. Jason wants to know if I’m going, if I want to get high with them. We’ll be back by two, he promises. He won’t get into another hour long conversation with Philip. We can go back to campus whenever I want. 

I am unsure. 

“Come on,” he says. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer. “It’ll be fun, even if Daniel is there. Of course you don’t have to talk to him.” 

I pull out of his grasp. “What? He’s going to be there?”  

“Yeah. I wanted to let you know. You don’t have to come if you’re afraid to see him.”

I’m not afraid of him. I just don’t ever want to see Daniel ever again. But a few days ago we walked past each other in the science center, and it took me hours to be myself again. Sometimes I wonder how much Jason knows. My friends tell me it’s so obvious, but they also tell me Jason is an idiot. 

“Should I tell Paul that you’re not coming?” Jason reaches for my hand again, and I let him. 

“Babe,” Jason says when I don’t reply. My name comes out of his mouth in a whine. “Just come. Please.” 

We are the first to arrive at Paul’s house. It’s dark out, a night of looming shape and shadow. There are new plants in his front yard, lavender and tomato and something that I can’t quite place yet. I crouch down to get a closer look, but Jason presses his hand on my shoulder and prods me to get back up.

Paul answers the door holding a drink. He hugs Jason before hugging me next. He thanks me for the chocolates in my hand and asks why I haven’t been to the math lounge in a while.

I ask him what the plant in the front yard is instead of answering. Is it lemon balm or mint? It’s dark out, and I can’t tell. 

He smiles. Tells us that it’s ghost pepper and takes another sip from his drink. He’s going to surprise everyone later when they’re sufficiently drunk, so we have to keep it secret. 

Secrets. I’m good with those. 

I am dancing and drunk when Daniel comes. Half slipping on Paul’s hardwood floors, half dancing on my own like a maniac. We see each other but avert our gazes immediately. Paul hugs him before bringing him into the kitchen, where everyone else is talking about math. Or maybe not math, but topics adjacent to math. Their first year of grad school, the secret lives of the faculty here, something salient I guess. 

Now I’m watching him talk to Jason, and Jason is laughing. I feel my breath go in and out quickly and almost feel tears in the back of my eyes. I can’t cry here. I have already done enough of that. But it still hurts, seeing everyone talk to him like his inside matches his outside. They hang onto his every word because he’s tall and charismatic and published papers that have won awards. Because he knows how to lure them in without leering, doesn’t he? 

He sees me watching him. This time I don’t look away. There’s no point. I haven’t been subtle enough, and he knows me well enough to know that I’d be staring. I wonder if he can guess what I’m thinking. I certainly can’t. 

I don’t know why I go outside and share the joint with them. I honestly don’t know. Jason and Daniel smoke for a bit before passing it to me. I put my mouth there, where Daniel just put his, and manage not to cough. Paul would be proud. Jason leans into me, asks if I’m alright under his breath. I’m not sure, but I nod. 

“You dyed your hair red,” Daniel says. It’s the first thing we’ve said to each other since then. 

“Yeah,” I reply. “I wanted a change.” 

“It looks good like this. Long and luminous.” He takes the joint from me.  

Paul calls Jason’s name from inside the house, so Jason leaves. He presses a kiss onto my cheek before disappearing. I sense the apology he sends me. 

Right now, it feels like before. I’m not petrified yet, and I can almost forget what he did.  Nothing has happened: we’re just two people outside together smoking. Maybe we’re strangers, but if I lean in close, I’ll smell the cologne he wore that night. I had on my honeysuckle perfume, but I threw the rest away the month after. His cologne wasn’t sweet. It was intoxicating and spicy and peppery. 

“You like spicy things, don’t you?” I ask him, bringing him to the front yard. 

“Sure,” he says. 

I kneel down to the plant and tell him to hold out his hand. “Here, take a bite.”

“How big of a bite?”

“Just take a bite,” I say and smile, waiting for the fire to start. 

Later, when he can breathe again, I wonder if he’ll call me a witch. I wonder if he’ll stumble out of the house with a vision of me in his head, my eyes gleaming in the dark. His tongue will be burning still, and his throat in a panic. He’ll try to curse but cough instead. He will be scared and scarred, but he’ll still live.    

Valerie Zhang is a student at Harvard College ‘21.

Instagram: @statistics_witch

Photo by Begoña Herrera on Unsplash

black sugar and honey


near the old bridge in new jersey, the last

chinese restaurant, shutters kicked in, plastic

bags strewn, grease traps and clogged sink 

smelling of sesame oil, remains 

my father came by on saturdays to order,

number 44, broccoli with beef, braised pork over rice,

reminder to put the forks on the side, an encouragement

in mandarin, a knot stuck in my throat 

i pick up the phone, and the words don't flow

like black sugar and honey, they crystallize on 

my tongue

please, i'll have the spareribs « qing 

wo yao paigu » the silence brimming

when the neighbors speak, english traced

with bengali, spanish, korean, the current subsides

but then it returns, a lifetime of words spilling

too many for my tongue, a spray of syllables

swirling from my lips, preparing tones that stumble 

& stretch & crack on my teeth, tearing & 

flooding my flesh, piercing & prodding 

my cheeks as the accents melt together 

& sugar dissolves into bitterness &

a click on the line

the cashier says nothing when i arrive

a rattle of coins, some scratched up pens,

plastic bag exchanged for bills

i return with a linger of sweetness

« xie xie » a taste of the 

saccharine sounds 

Sharon Lin is in her third year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is the daughter of Chinese immigrants.

MIT ‘21 | twitter @sharontlin | facebook @sharonlinnyc



“Pony” by Tina Gong (reference image)

“Pony” by Tina Gong (reference image)



“This is a digital portrait of Pony, a South Korean makeup artist, that I did while in quarantine. I enjoy art very much but digital art has always been just a hobby of mine, so I'm exploring and trying to improve in the digital art medium by myself in my free time!"

Harvard ‘24 | instagram: @tinasgong


Virtually Social


“I’m sorry I can’t make section today,” I thumbed into my phone, four minutes before class was due to start. “Painting outdoors at this time is difficult because it’s sunrise here and the light keeps changing, and on top of that it’s currently raining,” I explained. “Can I do the painting later?”

The email whizzed off. I made coffee and looked out the window. The droplets were mistier now, and the sun had almost wiped out the baby-pink streaks of dawn with fully-fledged rays. Maybe I should just get through the work now, rather than have the task (“Studio Assignment #8: Plein Air Painting”) sit on my mind for the next few days. Aurora pinged me back, consenting to my absence from class. I deliberated, gathered my brushes in the name of anti-procrastination and propped a gessoed canvas up in the backyard.

Ten minutes into tracing the edges of three empty pots in the crusted vegetable garden, I remembered that section was still happening over Zoom. Should I dial in? The inertia of my solitude groaned somewhere inside my body. I thought about the feeling of surveilling and being surveilled by pixelated classmates, and went on mixing paint.

After we’d been sent home in the middle of the semester, Matt and Aurora had done their best to keep our painting studio class edifying and enjoyable. Four days into my quarantine at home, a large square package reached my door containing four canvases, paper, oil paints, gesso, solvent and extra brushes. I found the receipt in the box, realised how much they’d spent on me, and felt tired.

This is the first painting class I’ve taken. After an email notified us to leave campus, I rolled up my splotchy paintings in my suitcase, worrying that this gratifying experiment had met its end. Being physically splintered apart could twist this studio class so completely that, even with a personal tub of gesso mailed to my door, it was over.

In the past month, our painting section had morphed from studio time to breakout room discussions of each other’s photographed work. This week was actually unusual in that we’d attempt to return to live painting, and to evoke the coworking space that we’d had before.

I like having routines that slowly slide me out of solitude. The act of walking to class listening to music or coaxing the key out of the door gets me ready for public spaces, for giving and receiving attention. It’s like the feeling of grinding coffee in your pyjamas, the beans nudging your dozing nose awake for another day of breathing. I dread the cold-water shock of joining group calls; the sudden surveillance of a webcam is too rude. The thought of dialing in to section 15 minutes late was too weary to entertain, until guilt took over and I picked up my phone.

I get a similar feeling whenever I click on the link to attend my English seminar. I love this class, and the way it feels like a book club, but it now requires 3:52am alarms (noon in Boston is four in the morning in New Zealand) and focusing my straggling attention on flat little people in flat little boxes on my screen for two and a half hours. I’ll watch my professor explain some line from “Effi Briest” and imagine how he feels, trying to figure out if the 23 muted faces, eyes directed somewhere unknowable, are understanding your take on the merits of Mr. and Mrs. Briest’s parenting style. I imagine not getting any feedback from the usual shuffling feet or subtle eyebrow crinkles, and wondering whether the internet connection might have broken during a critical pedagogical moment.

Now he’s joking about people tuning out, and I anxiously raise my eyebrows at the computer — attentively, I hope — to stem the virtual awkwardness. Look, someone is paying attention to you!

I’m not such an eager student in other classes. The first week I had my video on in my quantum lecture. Only one other person did. I committed, stubbornly, to keeping the camera on. The norms for virtual attention were still malleable, I thought, and I didn’t want the professor to feel abandoned by default.

By the second week, I’d quickly learned that I was not influential enough to change virtual classroom norms, and the administrators had decided to change the grading status of all classes to a universal pass/fail system anyway. I switched the camera off, rolled out my yoga mat, and spent lecture stretching on the floor. Barely listening, I played a round of minigolf on my phone with a friend, thinking absent-mindedly about how all the difficulties of the game were missing in its digital manifestation — you didn’t have to remind yourself to use the right power, swing your arms just enough, or maintain the perfect angle. Everything had lost its physicality recently; minigolf was just another example.

If I looked up from my screens, I’d become distracted by the immense dimensionality that exists in the physical environment. Reflections in a fork! Puckered leaves on a basil plant! Does anyone else ever think about throwing their laptop into the bushes and running away from a life of pixels?

At the end of the class, I unmuted myself. In my best casually-enthusiastic voice I projected “Thank you!” into the microphone and left as quickly as possible.

Virtual socializing has its intimacies. I no longer meet people in neutral public settings in which we follow the norms of being a guest in a third space. No more coffee catch-ups where jazzy café music and indifferent baristas subconsciously prompt us towards a familiar mode of public behaviour. Now, we exclusively show up in our homes, implicitly giving every single person we meet a tour of our most private spaces. I see nice headphones and cats walking across keyboards. They see the titles on my bookshelf and the dramatically green desk my dad bought me in high school. Professors and acquaintances can read my space, deduce that I’m messy. My sister bursts in to call me to dinner, even though I texted her that I was on an important call.

Public and private have inverted, and finally melted together.

What are the new norms we’re establishing? How are we behaving now?

Before COVID-19 really hit, I was scheduled to participate in some informational visits to various organisations in the Bay Area. Now, instead of seeing industry leaders lecturing in their offices, I saw the family photos on their coffee tables. One prominent researcher apologised for the presence of an absurdly massive panda floatie propped behind his shoulder; he was using it to block the sun’s glare through the window.

It would have been so easy to take a screenshot of him and his inflatable panda with the creepy eyes — that’s the thing with digital interactions, you never know which of your footprints others are keeping — but it felt like he was investing in us an unanticipated trust, and I didn’t want to fracture the intimacy of our understanding.

There’s a specific angle that I never used to see people from — throat-first, upward-tilted. Now I see those tipped, exposed faces all the time from the fixed viewpoint of the webcam. It’s accentuated by furrowed brows as people look for the unmute button, blurred cheeks as they hurry through their living room. I never asked for this particular intimacy from others, nor did they ask for mine. It just fell on us circumstantially.

Some days I love the limited interactions and the focused, quiet lifestyle I’m developing. I don’t have to engage in a social performance if I’d rather curl up in my thoughts. Other days I crave running into a friend at Peets and chatting about an upcoming concert, and I can’t quite stomach how different virtual conversations are from those accidental hellos. I plead with my brain to forget about that for a few months.

Often, I can only find out how introverted I’m feeling through having that online social interaction I’m being indecisive about. 

When I virtually entered the painting class, I sensed tranquility. No one was speaking. Some people had their microphone and their video off. My shoulders loosened.

I settled down and scraped burnt umber and ultramarine blue together with a palette knife as my classmates worked quietly, moving across my phone screen. It’s funny how a single sun can manifest as late afternoon rays on some pixelated faces and, at the same instant, as a feeble morning glow on others who haven’t quite reached that point in the day yet. A cricket chirped somewhere in cyberspace, and I heard it.

In retrospect, perhaps I should have known that this class would not exhaust my attention in the same punishing way that others tended to. We were gathered online to work alone.

“I wanted to ask something about lecture,” Emily, another senior, began. Matt gave her the go-ahead. “Abstract Expressionism” —  this was the topic of his most recent lecture — “is often the movement that people point to when they talk of the moment that art became pretentious. People don’t look at Renaissance paintings and say that, really. What is your response to that?”

Wind rustled through a tree somewhere in San Diego. Solvent swished in Cambridge. I dabbed at my canvas with a caked paper towel, agreeing with Emily in my head. Matt mused on the question, said she was broadly right about that impression, ahh’d a bit about his opinion, and asked Aurora for hers. She, too, seemed uncertain. “It’s hard to justify making anything,” she said finally. It spoke to a feeling of pointlessness that tinged my humdrum days in isolation, and yet it was a reassuring comment. I’d found solace in making things — buttercream macarons, portraits of my sister, fragments of writing — to stave off that nihilistic feeling, and although I still couldn’t quite justify these activities, maybe that didn’t matter either.

Amidst the ebb and flow of sighs and swishes and occasional questions, I would find inspiration in one sound or another, each pulling me into a new well of thought. I floated in the pools in my head, without feeling the usual obligation to climb out of the water and begin the effort of camouflaging the gap between this effortless existence and The Normal Class Experience We Should Be Having using attentive-looking smiles and thumbs-up emojis.

We were hearing, feeling, painting together. A shared experience consolidated in virtual snippets of reality and unexpected abstractions, rather than the physical space of the studio.

I unfolded my legs and turned off the microphone and camera on my phone, then went inside to make a snack. As I stared at the closed blinds of the kitchen window, munching on a peanut butter and banana sandwich, birdsong emanated from the phone in my pocket. It sounded like someone was dialing in from a forest. I didn’t check to see who, just contentedly let another reality fill my ears. So many guessing games, so many unknowns — opportunities for speculation hide in every corner of a virtual interaction. Perhaps the birdsong broadcaster was unaware that they had their microphone on, or maybe they knew perfectly well that they’d set off ten different trains of thought (about bluejays or avian migration patterns or something else) chugging around the world. Maybe someone did suspect that I’d abandoned painting in favour of eating in the middle of class.

The professor’s keyboard clacked. The cyber cricket crooned, and the birds went on. I stood at the kitchen sink, letting the sounds from other people’s realities fill my own, become my own.


A portrait of my sister at the breakfast table. She's not particularly accustomed to my new penchant for depicting her.

A portrait of my sister at the breakfast table. She's not particularly accustomed to my new penchant for depicting her.



“A musing on virtuality, and the bag of feelings that I've been experiencing as every social context moves online during this pandemic.”

Harvard ‘20 | instagram: @saffr0n | facebook: @saffronhuang


pause button


the world gives us chances here and there to take a step back and breathe, even if it might be an unwelcome guest. the past month has been a series, no, an entire flood of time that just stopped. and i didn’t want it to. because i spent the past year just breathing, just thinking, just relighting my candle because i knew it was burnt out after the toxic fumes i was forced to inhale. and i was proud of myself for walking instead of sprinting through my day to day, for knowing that what i needed to do was remember and reflect, not distract myself to move on. but here i am again, in the same situation i was in one year ago. but it’s different now, because it’s not by choice, because now the only thing i want to do is go back to when i was jogging through the streets of life and searching for laughter and busywork instead of being jailed in my own cage.

but it’s not so bad.

at least now, i can look back at what used to be, what will be once more, and smile. at least now, i can rest my soul and focus on the hobbies i forgot, that i was once passionate about, and take a step every once in awhile at my own pace without having to worry about what they see, what you see, even what i see. because i missed the feeling of being solitude while i was running away from it. because now, i’m remembering what it’s like to be able to give emotionally, not just hide behind gifts in an attempt to show my care. because even if i’m not able to do some things i want to, i’m able to see the other plants in my garden i neglected with the excuse that i was fatigued, busy, just. done.

and it’s not necessarily a pause button right now, even if it looks like it.

it can be anything you make it to be.

just remember,

[fill in the blank]


“Hi, my name is Yooni, and I'm in the Class of 2023! I've loved poetry since I first started writing it in middle school. I've been admittedly pretty out of touch with it recently, but I thought that since I had the time, I might as well start again. I decided to write prose regarding my feelings about being in quarantine. Even though I've never written prose before, I wanted to try something new.” 

Harvard ‘23 |instagram @im.yoonique | snapchat: @ypark926

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash


Masked Celebration

Masked Celebration, Erik Zou

Masked Celebration, Erik Zou



“I enjoy finding beauty in everyday matters. This watercolor piece is titled ‘Masked Celebration,’ and it depicts London Chinese New Year celebrations amid the Covid-19 outbreak."

Harvard ‘24 | instagram: @erik_zouart